Rue d'Arlon 20, 1050, Brussels


In times like this, where freedom is threatened everywhere, it is important to support an institute that aims to promote freedom!

Time has come for liberty to prevail!

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Invitation to a Conference on Entrepreneurship on March, 20, 2025, Brussels

Speakers: Prof. Rudy Aernoudt, author of the book “Entrepreneurship: A Mindset”, Reginald Vossen, president of Business Angels Europe, and Stefan Moritz, Secretary General of European Entrepreneurs CEA-PME. The Ludwig Von[…]

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Adam Smith, the Adam Smith problem and his influence

Adam Smith, the Adam Smith problem and his influence   Annette Godart-van der Kroon   Abstract         In this essay the following elements are described: 1. The central ideas of Adam[…]

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“To the outside world Europe must be strong and united. Especially in the areas of defense, foreign affairs and refugee politics. Inwardly, the principle of subsidiarity should play a more prominent role. Centralization as little as possible, diversity and decentralization as much as possible.”

– Annette Godart-van der Kroon,
Brussels 28-5-2024

“From the Western point of view, Russia should not win the war in Ukraine, because then a scenario is expected that must be avoided. Russia will certainly not be satisfied with merely occupying Ukraine and will continue to attack countries. The rest of the world sees this conflict as a downfall of Western dominance. It doesn’t have to be that way.”

– Annette Godart-van der Kroon,
Brussels 28-5-2024