Rue d'Arlon 20, 1050, Brussels

November 2020: Free Market Road Show “Disruptive Innovation”(postponed to 2021)

November 2020: Free Market Road Show “Disruptive Innovation”(postponed to 2021)

Brussels is one of this year’s Free Market Road Show (FMRS) hubs hosting a conference on Disruptive Innovation. The event, in cooperation with the Austrian Economics Centre and the European Liberty Forum, will take place at the European Parliament on November 17, 2020.

Disruptive Innovation, one of FMRS’s main themes in 2020, relates to the technology-driven growth similar to what occurred between 1890 and 1970. Two related issues that often come up are that of intellectual bankruptcy and the increasing reticence to take risks; the FMRS is devoted to challenging such problems.

As quoted from the FMRS website,

Innovation is what allows us to  progress and prosper. Disruption presents opportunities that we can turn to our advantage should we so choose. Societal and environmental problems can be addressed through disruptive innovation. Variations in different sectors, and how specific areas (cities/regions/etc.) can better foster disruptive innovation and turn it to their advantage.

Learn more at FMRS’s official website.