Rue d'Arlon 20, 1050, Brussels

Webinar: “The policy of Javier Milei, new President of Argentina. Where are we today?”

Webinar: “The policy of Javier Milei, new President of Argentina. Where are we today?”


Title “ Javier Milei, new President of Argentina. Where are we today?”

Organized by The Ludwig von Mises Institute Europe and the Cobden Centre

Speakers: Dr. Lourdes Moutin, the Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina, Facultad de Derecho y Ciencias Sociales del Rosario, Alumna, Argentina and Max Rangeley, Editor of The Cobden Centre, UK

Date: November 20, 2024

Time: 6.00-8.00 pm

Venue: via zoom, participants will receive a link

Registration before November 16, 2024. Send an email to

Contribution: 15€ per person on banking account: BE09 363001621657, see details below

Explanation of the topic

Since Milei came to power in Argentina, nothing has been the same. In the weekly “die Zeit” he is called “Der Feind seines Staates” . But is that correct or is Argentina Milei’s enemy?
Although Argentina is rich in raw material: the country has oil, gas, fruits, vegetables, wine, cereal and foremost cattle, it is now poor. In the fifties of the last century, Argentina was extremely rich, but that wealth has been squandered.

According to Eduardo Eurnekian, a very rich entrepreneur and former employer of Milei, stability is the only aim Milei has in mind. He knows that printing money does not help the poor. The state has made a mistake: in order to pay the debts, more and more banknotes were printed and that leads to (a huge) inflation. At the moment the inflation is at 270 %, as result there is a lot of black money. Today, the inflation decreased already to 90-100%. Milei attacks the cumbersome state.

The corruption of the politicians and of the labour unions is enormous. The labour unions are becoming increasingly richer, while the workers are becoming poorer. Workers declared in an interview, that leaders of these unions “have at least three houses and three big cars” . There are 650.000 “Noquis” and 3, 4 million employees in public service. The social welfare state has poisoned the country. It cannot be denied that the Peronists regarded the state as their prey and have plundered it.

People are so fed up by the present situation that they prefer to support Milei despite the fact that his language can be quite rude. Milei should negotiate, but he does not. On the other hand he does, what he promised to do. He has reduced 106 Authorities and state secretariats to 54, and he also puts pressure on Industry and farmers.

The International Monetary Fund has called the measures “bold”, but said they are an important step to “restore stability and rebuild the country’s economic potential”.
The 328 parts of the bill must now be discussed point by point before it can be approved in its entirety by the Senate. For Milei, liberty is the most important goal, but will Milei succeed to rearrange the situation as it is now? Dealing with the trade unions and Peronists? To improve the situation in Argentina? That is the big question. “However we should not make the mistake to qualify Milei as extreme right. That’s why we constantly chalk up Milei as right-wing populist, because we don’t know anything else – as if this overused word were unfolding a kind of defensive spell.” But this movement cannot be attributed to the ultraright (Die Zeit November 2023)


6.00 pm Welcome and introduction by the president of LVMI Europe
6.05 pm Speech by Dr. Lourdes Moutin, the Pontificia Universidad Católica Argentina, Facultad de Derecho y Ciencias Sociales del Rosario, Alumna
6.25 Interview by Max Rangeley, Editor of The Cobden Centre
6.55 pm Q & A


Entrance fee: 15€ per person on banking account: BE09 363001621657. The link will be provided after payment.
To register, please send us your name and affiliation via e-mail before November 16, 2024 to:

About the Ludwig von Mises Institute-Europe

The Ludwig von Mises Institute-Europe was officially established on 12th October 2002 as a non-partisan think- tank fostering an open and free society. Since its foundation in 2002, the Ludwig von Mises Institute-Europe has successfully organized a variety of conferences, symposia, discussions, targeted dinner debates and lunch debates, discussing topics like: The growing role of the EU; Knowledge & Innovation; Transatlantic Relations; Tax Competition; Better Regulation; and Islam and the EU, FTT, Banking Union, Banking and Monetary Policy. Cybersecurity and Cyber Defence .
LVMI Europe has several important publications to its credit, like: “Hayek revisited” 2002, “Better Regulation” 2010 “Banking and monetary policy from the perspective of Austrian economics” 2018, “The Austrian School of Economics in the 21st Century” 2023

About the Cobden Centre

The Cobden Centre is an independent educational charity founded
formally to undertake research into economic and political science and to
disseminate the results thereof and to advance the education of the public in economic and political science.
Max Rangeley recently organized the Future of Artificial Intelligence roundtable discussions in the European Parliament, which included the IMF, OECD and United Nations as well as companies like Intel. He also organized the 5 day long Blockchain Summit in the European Parliament in 2016. Max has run an economics think tank for a member of Parliament since 2014 and is on the advisory board of the Ludwig von Mises Institute (Europe). He has organized several events in the European Parliament.