Upcoming Events:
- January 2025 (the date has yet to be determined): “The political of the Judge in the United States, Europe, and Israel”
- 20 November 2024: Interview by Max Rangeley (Cobden Centre) of Dr. Lourdes Moutin, Pontifical Catholic University of Argentina, Faculty of Law and Social Sciences of the Rosario Department, Alumnus on “ Javier Milei, President of Argentina and the consequences of the Austrian School”
- 2 October 2024: A lecture on “the gold Standard and Sound money,” – Speaker: Alasdair Macleod, MacleodFinance
Past Events:
- 12 June 2024: Lecture on Austrian Economics – Speaker: Bart Vanderhaegen
- 17 April 2024: Lecture on Austrian economics: “Stimulating the economy is counterproductive and creates tensions” – Speaker: Heiko de Boer, Pictet Asset Management, Netherlands
- November 29, 2023: (Postponed from April 25, 2023) Launch of the book “The Austrian School of Economics in the 21st Century” in Holland House, Rue d’ Arlon 20, 1050 Brussels.
- November 21, 2023: Launch of the book “The Austrian School of Economics in the 21st Century” during a round-table sandwich lunch at the Institute of Economic Affairs (IEA) in London. UK in cooperation with LVMI Europe.
- November 7, 2023: “Austrian Economics: an Overview and Defense of its Relevance” Lecture
- September 27, 2023: Dinner Debate “Towards a new European Impetus post-Brexit” with Professor Rudy Aernoudt at Holland House, Rue d’Arlon 20, 1150 Brussels
- January 7, 2023: Publication of the new book “The Austrian School and the 21st Century.”
- November 16, 2022: Conference, ”Building a EU defence?”
- Link to the recording can be found here.
- October 12, 2022: LVMI-Europe 20 years, Dinner Debate to celebrate the 20 years of existence of LVMI Europe. Location Club Royal des Guides Rue d’ Arlon 32, 1050 Brussels
- June 22, 2022: General Assembly
- June 15, 2022 (postponed): Conference, Free Market Roadshow, “The Way Out of the Gridlock”. A cooperation with Austrian Economic Centre and European Liberty Forum in the European Parliament.
- May 18, 2022: Meeting of the Research Group
- May 11, 2022: Board Meeting of LVMI Europe
- April 26, 2022: Conference “EU’s role in South Caucasus conflict-termination”, with Dr. Robert M. Cutler, Energy Geo-economics and International Security Specialist (Europe and Eurasia)
- February 24, 2021 : A Conference on Cyber Security in co-operation with Orange Business.
- April 21, 2021 : “Disruptive innovation: Banks versus Cryptocurrencies”
- May 27, 2021 : LVMI-Europe Board Meeting
- June 30, 2021 : General Assembly
- July 15, 2021 : Brainstorming Meeting
- September 27, 2021 : Get-together of Members and Alumni.
- October 1st, 2020: Lunch Debate on “Future Federalism for Europe: Some Concrete Proposals” at Holland House, Rue d’Arlon 20, 1150 Brussels.
- September 16th, 2020: A get together of members of LVMI Europe from 6.00pm to 8.00pm in the Holland House.
- July 7th, 2020: General Assembly 2020 at Holland House, Rue d’Arlon 20, 1150 Brussels.
- June 4th, 2020: Board Meeting LVMI-Europe at Holland House, Rue d’Arlon 20, 1150 Brussels
- March 4th, 2020: Lecture on Austrian Economics for students at LVSV Antwerp at the University of Antwerp
- January 20th, 2020: Conference with the Cobden Centre on “Artificial Intelligence, Future Economics and Emerging Technologies”.
- November 18th, 2019: Conference with Europolis and the Cobden Centre on “The European Banking Union and the future financial situation in Europe”. You can watch the video of this event by following this link.
- October 14th, 2019: Reception and Inauguration Alumni programme LVMI Europe in Holland House (new address, Rue d’Arlon 20, 1050, Brussels).
- June 5th, 2019 – General Assembly at Holland House, Rue d’Arlon 32, 1000 Brussels.
- May 7th, 2019 – Board Meeting at Holland House, Rue d’Arlon 32, 1000 Brussels.
- April 10th, 2019 – “Cross-Border Enterprises” Conference, in cooperation with BVMW, European Entrepreneurs CEA-PME, Réseau Entreprendre International and Netwerk Ondernemen (Flanders).
- November 22nd, 2018 – Conference and Book Launch in the European Parliament: “Banking and Monetary Policy from the Perspective of Austrian Economics”.
- September 26th, 2018 – Lunch debate with Herman de Croo, Member of Parliament, Minister of State, Former Speaker at the House of Representatives – Presentation of his memoirs: “Rooted in Life”.
- June 26th, 2018 – Mises circle with Dr. Robert Cutler and Alexander von Lingen.
- June, 8th, 2018 – General Assembly LVMI-Europe.
- May 16th, 2018 – “Free Market Road Show; Which are the values Europe needs?”.
- April 22nd, 2018 – “LVMI goes to Wuppertal, Germany!”
- March 22nd, 2018 – Co-organisation of Brussels Summit ” A Future for Europe”, Steigenberger Wiltcher’s Hotel, Brussels.
- December 5, 2017- Dinner Debate. ”Der Einfluss der anstehenden EU-Reformen auf den Mittelstand”, an event organised together with BVMW and European Entrepreneurs CEA-PME that took place in Hotel Metropole, Brussels
- November 28, 2017 – A brainstorming meeting
- July 11, 2017 – The Mises Circle with Brendan Brown, MUFG, Executive Director and Head of Economic Research, Mitsubishi UFJ Securities International plc, a member of MUFG,
- June 15-17, 2017 – 30th Heilbronn Symposion in Economics and the Social Sciences. Presentation of a paper on Menger and Schmoller.
- June 2, 2017: General Assembly
- March 28, 2017 – The Free Market Road Show 2017: “THE WORLD AFTER BREXIT AND TRUMP”, which will take place in the European parliament
- November 10, 2016 – A podium discussion on “Capital Flow Management and FTT” in co-operation with the Konrad Adenauer Stiftung. Speakers:
Dr. Roland Beck, Principal Economist, International Policy Analysis Division, European Central Bank, Germany.
Dr Peter Grasmann, Head of Unit, EU/EA Financial system, European Commission.
Professor Alastair Milne, Professor of Financial Economics, School of Business and Economics, Loughborough University, United Kingdom
Moderator: Stephen Fidler, Wall Street Journal, Brussels - September 27, 2016 – “What is Europe’s monetary future after the Draghi-Merkel coup?”
The Mises Circle with Brendan Brown, MUFG, Executive Director and Head of Economic Research, Mitsubishi UFJ Securities International plc, a member of MUFG, - May 30, 2016 – General Assembly in Brussels
- April 21, 2016 – “The Free Market Road Show”, ‘Europe in times of change: Jobs, Entrepreneurship and the European Demos’
A conference in the framework of the Free Market Road Show,
in the European Parliament, in Brussels.
- November 18, 2015 – “For a risk-ready Europe: Bridging the gap between start ups and investors” a conference organized in co-operation with BVMW, Bundesverband mittelständische Wirtschaft with as keynote speaker Ciprian Cristea
Head of Unit “COSME” Financial Instruments, European Commission DG GROW - July 15, 2015 – Mises Circle. Book Presentation “A Global Monetary Plague: Federal Reserve Quantitative Easing and Asset Price Inflation” by Brendan Brown, Executive Director and Head of Economic Research, Mitsubishi UFJ Securities International plc, a member of MUFG,
Venu e: c/o Luther Pendragon, Rue d’Arlon 40, Brussels
With special thanks to MUFG for sponsoring this event. - June 26, 2015 – General Assembly. Venue: Place Jourdan 21, Brussels.
- June 16, 2015 – Mises Circle. “An analysis of energy security and geo-economics”.
Speaker Robert Cutler, Senior Research Fellow, Institute of European, Russian & Eurasian Studies, Carleton University, Quebec Canada. Venue: c/o Luther Pendragon, Rue d’Arlon 40, Brussels - March 31, 2015 – “The role of the Entrepreneur in the 21st century”, A Conference organized by the Ludwig von Mises Institute Yes (European Confederation of Young Entrepreneurs), EPICENTER (with Institute of Economic Affairs), BVMW (Bundesverband mittelständische Wirtschaft) and European Entrepreneurs
Keynote speaker: Simone Baldassarri, European Commission, DG Internal Market, Unit Entrepreneurship and social Economy.
Venue: Club de la Fondation Universitaire, Rue d’Egmont 11, 1000 Brussels.
- November 19, 2014 – “Can the Euro Replace the Dollar as the Dominating Global Reserve Currency?” A dinner debate in co-operation with the Konrad Adenauer Stiftung, Brussels.
Speaker: Livio Stracca, Head of the International Policy Analysis Division in the Directorate General International European Central Bank. - November 4, 2014 – “Financial stability in the making: the first steps of the Banking Union and its impact.” A dinner debate on the Banking Union with Emiliano Tornese, European Commission, DG Banking
- September 30, 2014 – “Pension Funds Versus Banks: Time and Money” A dinner debate with Heiko de Boer, treasurer of LVMI Europe and Director of AXA, Investment Managers
- May 8, 2014 – General Assembly
- April 1, 2014 – Free Market Road Show, a co-operation with the Hayek Institut Austria and New Direction, Brussels
- March 31, 2014 – Mises Circle, European Parliament. Presentation by Professor Hardy Bouillon.
- March 18, 2014 – Conference on “Bail-Out” a co-operation with the United Business Institutes, UBI
- January 22, 2014 – Conference: “Can Private Security play the same role as Public Security?” Club Universitaire, Rue d’Egmont 11, 1000 Brussels
Find a detailed list of past events since our creation in 2001 here : presentation and history of LVMI Europe
For other events, you can visit our Facebook publications or write to annette.godart@vonmisesinstitute-europe.org